With its CXO Message in a Bottle series of events, Hamburg@work offers management staff within its member companies exclusive networking within a special framework. Experience a wine-tasting of a very different kind. While you become acquainted with exquisite wines from different growing regions presented by a sommelier, our guests have the opportunity to converse on specialist and personal topics in a small group. Rounding off the culinary experience are outstanding dishes served to complement the wines. New members are also introduced to the group within this small setting. And every CXO member is invited to bring a guest along.
The Message in a Bottle event takes place four times a year at the invitation of the Hamburg@work Executive Committee. The target group comprises managing directors, executive board members and opinion leaders from member companies of Hamburg@work. The event series has been held since 2014.
CXO CaptainsTalk brings together no more than 15-20 players from the digital economy at one table within the setting of a business lunch to exchange ideas on the currently trending topics. Inspirational keynote speeches by experts lay a good foundation for stimulating discussions. Within the small group of participants, targeted questions are posed, detailed discussions are held and, in ideal cases, new business relationships are formed.
This CXO Event leads to an intensive exchange of experience, new ideas and provides encouraging stimuli. The speakers for a CaptainsTalk either come from member companies or as a result of members’ proposals.
The CXO CaptainsTalk event generally takes place six times per year at the invitation of the Board of Hamburg@work. The target group comprises managing directors, executive board members and opinion leaders from member companies of Hamburg@work.
As part of our “Easy Peasy Software Cooking” networking series, Hamburg@work and our member company Elblabs jointly bring together digital innovators in a relaxed and interactive atmosphere. Following the keynote speech of a selected speaker on a current on-trend digital topic, the participants gather together with the German-Argentinian chef-de-cuisine Sajosha Hamann for an interactive cooking experience.
The keynote speech follows the aperitif at the very beginning of the event. After a generally short and pithy Q&A session, we move onto the active yet casual part of the event – cooking together and enjoying the results of our labours.
The event series evolved from a Hamburg@work onTour event, during which the intention was actually to visit the company Elblabs in its business premises. In order to offer our members something special, however, Elblabs issued an invitation to attend an Easy Peasy Software Cooking session in “Gekreuzte Möhrchen”, the kitchen for hire in Hamburg. Our guests were so inspired that we adopted the format for our CXOs and now offer an additional event format.
The CXO DinnerTalk is a culinary evening event with specialist contributions and discussions of various issues from the member companies of Hamburg@work. The CXO DinnerTalk is a suitable forum for presenting these topics. The venues are exclusive and vary from event to event – ranging from the coveted Hanse Lounge near the city hall square to the Norddeutscher Regatta Verein on the Aussenalster lake.
As a general rule, the CXO DinnerTalk event takes place at the request of a member company of Hamburg@work. The target group comprises managing directors, executive board members and opinion leaders from member companies of Hamburg@work and their invited guests.
The invitation is issued jointly by the management of our member company and the executive committee of Hamburg@work. However, Hamburg@work also frequently issues invitations itself as part of this event series for various occasions.
Another classic among the Hamburg@work events is the openDeck. Some 100 to 150 members and guests of Hamburg@work regularly meet after work to forge new contacts and consolidate their existing relations as well as to exchange ideas on the latest topics from the industry. The openDeck series of events is rounded off by a summer festival and an X-mas openDeck at Hamburg’s smallest Christmas market.
The openDeck event came into being after the bursting of the Internet bubble in 2001 and initially replaced the major event of the Hamburg onlineKapitäne by a smaller format. What remained of the Internet sector continued to meet at the invitation of Hamburg@work within a small setting and in varying locations for the openDeck of the onlineKapitäne.
Today the openDeck is offered as a typical after-work event. Since 2016, we have also been continually presenting a start-up from within our network in addition to our sponsors.
The target group comprises members of Hamburg@work and invited guests from the group of specialist and management personnel from the digital and media sector.
At our BusinessBreakfast, guests can expect an exciting 45-minute lecture, intensive discussions with the speakers, plenty of time to network and a rich breakfast buffet.
The aim of the BusinessBreakfast is to inform the participants with interesting and exciting lectures on the various topics of our thought leadership.
The series of events is intended to stimulate the exchange of experience, new ideas and impulses. Members and those interested in the industry will be brought together. Guests are cordially invited to make new network contacts, exchange experiences with members and contribute ideas and impulses.
You have to experience new things in order to understand them. There are many places where the trends of tomorrow are currently evolving, with new technologies being developed and innovations implemented. Our learning journeys are genuine travelling conferences. They are aimed at all those members of the network who are interested in dealing with the issue of how these trends, technologies and innovations may impact the digitization of their own business and wish to exploit the possible courses of action for their companies.
The event format Hamburg@work on Tour enables interested members and guests to take a rare glimpse behind the scenes of selected member companies from the digital economy and of prestigious organizations and institutions.
Managers of the companies visited present the topics relevant to their company in formats ranging from keynote speeches, interviews and guided tours to panel discussions. Companies have a free choice of contents and formats but promise not put on an “advertising” performance. Hamburg@work is generally still responsible for the facilitation of the evening.
The target group comprises members of Hamburg@work and guests from the digital and media sectors. The event is run according to the topics in the news, but in any case at least four times a year.
The Welcome on Board is our event series organized on our own behalf. New members of Hamburg@work are received as part of the Welcome on Board Dinner at the invitation of the Hamburg@work Executive Committee.
Representatives of both the member company and the Executive Committee get to know each other over a dinner featuring a number of courses. A casual discussion presents the programme and range of services offered by Hamburg@work to the new member companies, whose wishes are in turn noted. Discussions often extend deep into the night.
The target group comprises representatives of new member companies. The event takes place according to demand a year.
The event provides a meeting place for Hamburg-based company founders and creatives from Hamburg@work. Every month, a happening takes place within an innovative setting and offers participants a unique opportunity for networking and gathering know-how. It is packed with knowledge sharing and tips from experienced company founders and interesting speakers from the start-up scene.
The event takes place in changing locations united by their exclusivity, individuality and a suitable portion of pioneering spirit. The target group comprises start-ups and anyone who has great goals and plans.
Since 2017, we have been inviting international futurologists, scientists and opinion leaders to our Future Summit in order to talk on future trends connected with our five core issues: the world of work, companies, society, politics and the technologies of the future. We examine these topics individually throughout the year in our future lectures. In keynote speeches and panel discussions, our speakers at the Future Summit then spend a whole day delving into all aspects of the digital transformation across different topics and national borders.
Hamburger IT-Strategietage | Das jährliche Update zu den neuesten IT-Trends
Die IT-Strategietage sind eine reine Anwenderkonferenz mit der Zielgruppe CIO, CDO und andere IT-Entscheider aus anwendenden Unternehmen Aus dem Kreis der IT-Anbieter, zu denen auch Beratungsunternehmen zählen, werden grundsätzlich nur Unternehmen zugelassen, die für die jeweilige Konferenz einen Partnerschaftsvertrag abschließen oder Mitgliedsunternehmen beit Hamburg@work sind.
Im Februar 2025 ist es wieder so weit: Die Hamburger IT-Strategietage versammeln zum 23. Mal das Who’s Who der IT-Management-Community in Hamburg! Bei diesem Event der Extraklasse erwarten dich unzählige Möglichkeiten zum Networking und persönlichen Austausch. Freu dich auf eine Vielfalt an Vorträgen von renommierten Speaker aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, die über die aktuellsten Themen und Trends im IT-Bereich referieren.
Doch das ist längst nicht alles! Die IT-Strategietage bieten Dir nicht nur spannende Inhalte auf der Hauptbühne, sondern auch eine breite Auswahl an Side-Events und interaktiven Formaten. In Roundtables und Diskussionsrunden kannst Du Dich mit anderen Experten über aktuelle Herausforderungen und Chancen austauschen – und natürlich bleibt auch genug Raum für intensives Networking.
Masterclass-Summit – Austausch auf höchstem Niveau
Als besonderes Highlight findet zusätzlich jeweils im Juni der Masterclass-Summit statt. Dieses Format richtet sich an CXOs und IT-Verantwortliche, die Themen in einem noch tiefergehenden Rahmen diskutieren möchten. Bei den Masterclasses erhältst Du nicht nur Impulse von führenden Wissenschaftler, Analyst und CIOs, sondern kannst Dich mit anderen Entscheider in intensiven Diskussionen austauschen. Hier stehen Wissensvertiefung und Perspektivwechsel im Mittelpunkt, und das in einer entspannten Atmosphäre an außergewöhnlichen Locations.
Mehr Informationen zu den IT-Strategietagen und den Masterclass-Summits findest du auf unserer Webseite. Beide Events bieten Dir eine einmalige Gelegenheit, Dein Netzwerk auszubauen und Dein Wissen zu erweitern. Von den neuesten Technologien bis hin zu strategischen Ansätzen für die IT-Transformation – hier bist Du genau richtig, um am Puls der Zeit zu bleiben und Dich auf die Zukunft vorzubereiten.
Freu Dich auf intensive Einblicke, spannende Diskussionen und eine inspirierende Community. Die Hamburger IT-Strategietage bieten Dir alles, was Du brauchst, um die digitale Transformation Deines Unternehmens erfolgreich voranzutreiben.
Informationen zu den IT-Strategietagen und dem IT Strategietage Masterclass Summit findet ihr hier.
Fair, transparent and incorruptible: these are the principles of the NEPTUN X media award from Hamburg@work. The Neptun is the only cross-media award in Germany and honours the most imaginative, effective and cost-efficient campaigns that distribute their contents over all digital and analogue channels.
Every year, Germany’s only X-Media Award honours the most imaginative, effective and cost-efficient cross-media communication campaigns. The coveted prizes are awarded by an expert panel of judges and also by a public panel with more than 300 experts from the communications sector.
At the “Clash of Agencies” award show, the campaigns in the shortlist pitch against each other live on stage and the audience vote live for the recipient of the Grand Prix. So much excitement and transparency is indeed difficult to find elsewhere.
The NEPTUN X-Media Award was created when it became apparent in the mid 2000s that really relevant and effective campaigns have to work with a cross-media approach. The NEPTUN X-Media Award shows the best campaigns and how they function. It is aimed at the entire advertising business and the companies of the communication industry.